Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

Cactus Camera

     Thursday, we went to bedugul before we started our evening routine ..
Each of us has ever gone to Bedugul, but just today we go along. Soon we went, but stopped at several places in advance, looking for something ..
brrrr .... cold ....., we felt it all the way, until the goal. Pay entrance, and immediately went to some places, until we arrived at this place

cactus collection as it shows an arrow..

     There we met a lot of people, many of them who seemed to love the unique cactus. We took some photos there, a variety of cactus, like others... but we actually take a picture of our own difficulties, in order to get a good background...
I ventured to ask for help a woman who seemed to come accompanied by a man who does not know who we are. Maybe they were husband and wife, I do not know ... each of them carrying a camera, but I take it just a camera phone .. hehee

     Beside helping us take a photo using a camera phone, he also uses her camera, the camera is good, decent results were good, although the model is broken ... (that’s us (-______-))
We thanked her, and stupidly we had not met even asked her name .. Forgive us ... T__T
     Still in the same room, we want to get acquainted with her, but she is still busy with his camera and talking to the man who he suggested, we didn’t know anyone. We don’t dare to disturb them. I immediately took a picture of them, only one photo that I got ... Nice, that’s right? hehee ..

cactus camera

     without our knowing it, they've come out of the room, .. We'd love to meet them, at least, we can ask for email addresses to ask for pictures of us ..

     yaaaaaakh,,, .. in the orchid garden .. (I Think)
Finally, I asked her, she was very kind, he noted my email address even the man who kept his side wants to take our pictures again .. we are waiting for their photo submissions...
"Nice to meet you"
unfortunately we can’t take some photos with them,, ..
Still we have not been able to get acquainted ... quickly once it's time ...
We stupidly ...:(

we want to see them once again ..

two thumbs up for them ..

Thanks God~

Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

Sebuah Pertanyaan

     Aku tidak pernah merencanakan sebelumnya, hari ini aku menemukan dan mengumpulkan sesuatu yang jarang sekali orang lain kumpulkan, tapi aku tidak tahu juga jika orang lain mengumpulkannya untuk keperluan tertentu. Benda yang menurutku unik, yang tidak akan kau perkirakan sebelumnya. Segera aku kumpulkan, dan ku hitung….

1, 2, 3,….12

 Yaaaakkh,.., 12 buah ‘Batu Jeruk’,  heeheegh
     Aku juga melihat seperti sarang laba-laba, eiiits…. (sepertinya bukan) yang bentuknya aneh, tapi sayang fotonya hanya sebagian kecil, tidak bisa kuperlihatkan semuanya…
Iseng tidak sengaja kutemukan coklat yang sudah di makan setengahnya, tinggal empat potong jika tidak ku salah hitung, semangka yang langsung ku lahap habis, masih banyak lagi, kalung anjing putih hijau yang langka, masih banyak lagi...

    Di tempat yang sama, ku ambil sebuah buku. Saat aku membelinya, masih dalam kondisi bagus, tidak seperti sekarang yang terlihat agak hancur…;) Awal aku menulis di buku ini akhir tahun 2010, mungkin bisa ku ingat jika ku lihat bukunya sekali lagi....